Xtreme Sport

Risk: Many people think that playing paintball is safe but not always. Protection is important, because if you not fully covered, you will be exposing too many risks like: blues or stop breathing when you receive a ball on your neck. When we play paintball it is important to have a good cardio, because we have to run a lot in the game, if you don’t have a good cardio you can have some heart problems. If everybody take is precaution everything will be alright. 

Equipment: This is the super gun that your kids will need at our camp.

This is the helmet to protect the eyes and the head. It is just for the monitors of the camp.

  This is the loader that the kids will need to put paint balls in their gun. 

We need this to transport the munitions. 

This is the neck protector, like the helmet, it is for monitors only. 

This is the belt for transport all the things that the kids need, maybe some survival things… 

This is the CO2 bottle that they need for the pressure of their guns. This is why it hurts when you receive a ball, THE PRESSURE.

Description: Paintball was born in the 70’s. This sport was created by Australian cowboys to relax after a hard-work day. This sport is simple. Two teams of 5 or 7 players shoot on themselves to eliminate the other team. If a player is shooted, he is eliminated. The paintballs are made with pellets containing paint. The paint cannot be red, because it will be like blood and if one player is injured, we will think that it is paint. Today, the paintball is one of the most popular extreme sport in USA